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A Message from the President
Muhammad Shoaib Akram MD
Dear fellow Nishtarians,
With a deep sense of responsibility, humility and honor, I will be serving as President for NANA in 2025. Briefly about myself, I belong to the Nishtar class of N-47 (passing out year 2003) and currently resides in New Jersey.
This is a bittersweet moment as we all mourn the recent loss of Dr. Abdul Rashid Piracha, a beloved member and a passionate leader whose dedication and vision inspired us all.
Last year, our own dear @Muhammad Zeshan did an incredible and exceptional work as President. With the same spirit, we are proud to welcome NANA EC for year 2025: Muhammad Ahmed Farooq Anwar, Munis Raza, Maida Umair Muhammad Asif Bashir and Muhammad Ali Abbas. Every one of them have contributed a lot to Nishtar and blessed to have them in my team.
As we look ahead, Dr. Piracha’s legacy will remain a guiding light for us. NANA-EC encourages everyone to share ideas, ask questions, lend a supporting hand and voice. It is only through teamwork and guidance by seniors, this organization has accomplished a lot in previous years.
Thanks in advance for your dedication and commitment towards Nishtar and NANA. Looking forward to bringing a positive impact to our Nishtarian family.
Warm regards, Muhammad Shoaib Akram NANA President 2025
An update message from Departing president 2024 M. Zeshan
The image can be downloaded for easy viewing as a pdf file by clicking the link below, or played as a video by clicking the video icon below.