Nishtar Alumni of North America is a registered charity organization in the state of West Virginia under 501C status
NALP is an endowment fund which was established on 01/27/2020 to provide the financial assistance to those needy medical graduates from Nishtar Medical University who want to pursue postgraduate medical education and training in United States of America
Loan money provided under this project will be non-interest-bearing loan for a limited period of time and the money will be 100% returnable to the account of Nishtar Alumni of North America (NANA) before the due date as mentioned on loan agreement contract
Loan money shall be exclusively spent on direct expenses related to the United States Medical Licensure Examination (USMLE) and the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP)
The decision to issue the loan to any applicant will be made after reviewing application and other required documents by NALP committee
Loan money will be issued in installments
Anyone can refer the loan applicant
Loan amount for each applicant will be decided by NALP committee based on the applicant’s needs and subject to availability of funds
Maximum loaned amount to one applicant will be $5000
Recipient must provide previous documentation of fee submission to education commission for foreign medical graduates (ECFMG) or NRMP before disbursement of next loan installments
Complete loan repayment shall be made within the first 2 years of disbursement in lump-sum amount or in installments
Loan defaults and Late payment penalties will apply in case of breaking legal binding contract between NANA and recipient
In the circumstances of breaking legal contract on part of recipient, Nishtar Alumni of North America(NANA) reserves complete rights to pursue the legal action against the recipient to recover the loan money along with interest in which case, the recipient shall also be responsible for all legal fee spent by NANA to resolve this issue
In the event if medical graduate is unable to obtain the training position and/or license to practice medicine in United States, NALP committee can further decide about extension of repayment time limit
Number of current Available loans = 5 (Subject to change based upon the availability of funds)
Minimum criteria to apply for NALP assistance
- Failure of any exams would result in disqualification from Loan. - Year of graduation should be less than 4 Years. - ECFMG Certification is must.
Valid US Visa before the reimbursement of Loans. Without valid visa, person would be disqualified.
USMLE Step 1 = 1
USMLE Step 2 CK = or > 255=3
245-254 =2
235-244= 1
OET or STEP 2 CS = 1
USMLE Step 3 >220=2 <220=1
Working as onsite research scholar at a university institution or prominent community institution >3 months=1
Peer-reviewed Research Publications > 5 papers=3 3-5 papers=2 1-3 papers=1
Scores of five or more is needed to qualify for Loans. All loans are provided on first come first basis
*If you do not meet the criteria, there are other ways to help, you can contact President NANA to explore any viable options
Required Documents
Most updated resume
Copy of USMLE score card, Step 1, and CK
Copy of ECFMG certificate (if available)
Copy of passport with picture page and US visa page
Copy of medical degree
Copy of dean’s letter
On behalf of Nishtar Alumni Loan Program (NALP) committee of NANA