Assalamu alaikum fellow Nishtarians: If you ever studied at Nishtar Medical College (regardless of whether you graduated from Nishtar), AND are currently residing (or used to reside) in North America (i.e USA, Canada or Mexico), your name should appear in the following list. Some of you may already have an introduction page on the website. You can share as much or as little information with others as you want to. We hope to keep it uptodate and we need YOUR help to keep it updated. If your name (or any other Nishtarian that resides in USA) does not appear in the list, please fill out a registration form. You don't have to be a formal member to register or communicate. Once you have registered, we can create a separate introductory page for you where you can decide how much information you would like to share with others. If you can provide a picture that would be superb. If you have any old pictures of you, we can add those on your introductory page to make it easier for your other fellow Nishtarians to recognize you! Please write to us using "contact us" link if you have any corrections to make or have any other comments.
How to use this List
You can simply browse this long list. Names are arranged alphabetically by the last name. Most browsers support word search function on the page (Press Control +F and then type the name you are looking for). The current list contains 669 names and is still growing. An * at the end of name indicates that the person used to reside in North America, but may currently be residing elsewhere
How to have your name included in the list or have your profile published
If you meet eligibility criteria listed above and would like your name appear in the list, please fill out your profile form. We can save your profile and provide it to anyone with your permission, or have it published on our website. Here is the link to the Profile update form